No complicated drivers or setup required, just easy design and click print.
4 OS compatible with each other, your label files accessible on Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.
No printer and label bundling, designed to provide the convenience and ease of label design.

Turn a spreadsheet
into individual labels
Turn a spreadsheet into individual labels. Create thousands of label
variations based on data from Microsoft Excel, plain CSV text files.
Use your own serial numbers, prices, descriptions, weights and dates.
Beautifully boring UPCs to
magically mundane QR Codes
Generate just about any kind of barcode.
As you input your data, labels update instantly.
All of our supported barcodes integrate seamlessly with your business workflow.
Print better labels

Save and re-use designs on Windows,
Mac, iOS, Android
Labelife is the only label printing software that works
out of the box on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android.
Print labels with flexibility and ease,
no matter your operating system or printer model.

Saved Label Files as
.jpg/.png/.pdf and .aml
(Labelife files)
Save your customed Labelife label files as
.aml, which can print from Windows, macOS, iOS and Android,
or as PDFs or PNGs/JPGs,
which can be printed by the driver to printers that Labelife does not support for now.
Templates cover LW & DK
full range Label Size
You have a lot of LW or DK label rolls in stock,
no problem, Labelife templates cover the full range of label sizes for
LW and DK, so you don't have to worry about stock handling!