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ENGINEER Cable Shears ENGINEER PK-51, 212 mm, made in Japan

16 Reviews
102,77 Lei

Cable Shears




212 mm

, made in Japan

  • Jaws equipped with curved cutting blades
  • Long handles that ensure high leverage and easy operation
  • Cutting capacity: vinyl insulation cable outer diameter 11 mm, 38 mm²
  • Cut flat cable 2 mm x 3 wires
  • Ideal for cutting copper or aluminum wires
  • The front part of the blade is suitable for very fine cutting of copper or aluminum wires
  • The second section is intended for cutting vinyl-insulated cables, flat cables, thin cables, network cables, 2- and 3-wire power cables, coaxial cables and other types of cables or wires
  • Recommended by the Romanian Electricians Association!
  • Made in Japan
  • Images are for presentation purposes only


PN: PK-51

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  • Description
  • Characteristics
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  • Reviews (16)

Cable Shears ENGINEER PK-51, 212 mm it has jaws equipped with very fine curved cutting blades with which you can cut copper wires or cables with different shapes and insulations.
The front of the blade is suitable for very fine cutting of copper or aluminum wires. The second section is intended for cutting vinyl insulated cables, flat cables, cable connections, network cables, 2 and 3 wire power cables, coaxial cables and other types of cables or wires.

WARNING! There are commercially available coaxial cables with black sheath that have a copper steel core, not a copper one. These cables will damage the pliers' jaws. Watch the video below.


Foremost Blades - Wire cutter suitable for copper wires
Main Blade (Rearmost) - Curved blades suitable for insulated cables, make a fine cut surface. Flat cables, Coaxial cables, Power supply cords, LAN cables, etc. are also applicable.

Comparison of Cut Surface

Cable Shears ENGINEER PK-51
The curved blades can hold a cable securely and the shears mechanism enables you to make a cut surface finely

Conventional Pliers
The pressure given from flat blades crushes a cable or it may slip sideways


  • Length: 212 mm
  • Weight: 250 g
  • Hardness: HRC58±4

Cutting Capacity:

  • Vinyl Insulated Cable: 11 mm outside diameter, 38 mm²
  • Flat Cable: 2 mm x 3 core

Material: Otel carbon

Length of cut: 38mm, 11mm

Maximum diameter: 11mm, 38mm

Protection working under voltage: Nu

Package Contents: Cleste taiat cabluri ENGINEER PK-51, 212mm, 250g, verde, fabricat in Japonia

Produced: Made in Japan

Color: Green

Overall length: 212 mm

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Mihnea Birzan,

Taie foarte bine dar tot il prefer pe fratele lui mai mic.


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Oliver Munteanu,

Foarte bun clestele. Taie cabluri foarte bine. Un pic intepenit cand il scoti din cutie, der dupa ce il ungi cu un Wd40 merge brici.


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Se simte calitativ, taie bine,testat pe cablu cupru 3x


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iulian Busu,

foarte practic


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Ionut Nedelcu,

Foarte practic și util


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Calin Chifor,

Un produs de foarte buna calitate.


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Marian Udroiu,

Folosesc fratele mai mic PK-50 de câțiva ani și sunt uluit de fiecare data cât de bine funcționează. L-am încercat și pe acesta, rezultatele sunt la fel de bune, dar simți o forța mai mare la tăiere, dată de lungimea mai mare a mânerului.
Cât despre furnizor, l-am primit a doua zi in București împachetat corespunzător.


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Viorel Ganea,

Stiam despre produsele de la Sanco Grup ca sunt profesionale dar nu-mi permit sa le achizitionez pe toate odata ! Ferice de cine poate ! :))
Eu o sa le cumpar pe rand in functie de necesitati si buget ! Oricum le recomand tuturor celor care vor sa lucreze
profesionist, adica : repede si bine !


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Un produs foarte bun.


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Nicolae Catalin,

O calitate super, fata de alte produse de marca....


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Ovidiu Radu,

Raport calitate-pret excelent.


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1 persoana a considerat acest review util!

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Adrian Stancu,

Foarte prompti in livrare, clestele este de calitate.


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Claudiu Lupu,

Foarte buna alegere. Taie de rupe. recomand


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Barabas Claudiu,

Un cleste care își merita toți banii nota 10


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Daniel B,

În ultima vreme le găsesc de neînlocuit. Pentru mine este o placere sa le folosesc ori de câte ori este nevoie. Sunt calitative și practice, recomand cu cea mai mare încredere..


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Cosmin Stirbu,

Clește de bună calitate.


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