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Knipex Plastic patent pliers, tested VDE 1000 V, KNIPEX 98 62 01, live works, 180 mm

1 Review
143,32 Lei 106,05 Lei

Plastic patent pliers,

 tested VDE 1000 V,

KNIPEX 98 62 01, 

live works, 180 mm

  • Fully insulated to reduce the risk of a short circuit if we touch with pliers, various metal parts, or conductors;
  • Recommended for live work where it is not possible to interrupt the power supply, especially for 380 V networks;
  • Ideal for mounting meters;
  • Use up to -40 ° C;
  • Plastic, reinforced with fiberglass - does not damage the cable insulation;
  • They are not affected by magnetic fields and do not create sparks;
  • Soft plastic area handles for a better grip;
  • Very light, only 120 g;
  • Total length 140 mm;
  • Can be used in environments with high chemical aggression.




PN: 98 62 01

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Plastic patent pliers, tested VDE 1000 V, KNIPEX 98 62 01, fiberglass-reinforced plastic pliers for work in electrical installations.

The tools are VDE tested and offer protection up to 1000 V.
Recommended for live work in electrical panels.
The tools are very practical, they reduce the risk of a short circuit if we touch with pliers, different metal parts or conductors.

  • Product type: Universal pliers
  • Pliers type: Patent
  • Brand: KNIPEX
  • Material: Fiberglass reinforced plastic
  • Color: Yellow/Red
  • VDE test: YES
  • Handles: Soft plastic
  • Handle color: Yellow
  • Standard: DIN EN 60900 IEC 60900
  • Voltage maxim: 1000 V
  • Dimensions: 180 x 53 x 17 mm
  • Weight: 120 g
Informatii conformitate produs

Package Contents: 1 x Cleste patent plastic, testat VDE 1000 V, KNIPEX 98 62 01, lucrari sub tensiune, 180 mm

Material: Plastic armat cu fibra de sticla

Color: Yellow, Red

Overall length: 180 mm

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  • Payment can be made by OP, before delivery at our treasury accounts in the 24-30 days of the month.

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Nikola Constantin,

O sculă care nu trebuie sa lipsească din dotarea unui electrician. De obicei evit să lucrez sub tensiune dar sunt echipamente care nu pot fi oprite și atunci pentru siguranță folosesc acest clește izolat care este complet din plastic armat. Este foarte robust. Pot manevra cabluri sub tensiune fără grija contactului direct cu cleștele. Util spațiile mai mici în tablourile electrice. Nu are funcția de tăiere a conductorilor, este strict pentru prinderea și manevrarea conductorilor sau echipamentelor in locurile cu risc mare de atingere a celorlalte componente aflate sub tensiune. NIKOLA Constantin


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