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DYMO Set Dymo Omega labeling machine set and a total of 4 rolls of Omega labels, DY12748 S0717930

30 Reviews
113,49 Lei 97,60 Lei

Set Dymo Omega label maker

, 1


x 3 

Omega Embosable label tapes 


  • Uses embossed plastic strips, width 9 mm and length 3 m, various colors
  • The set contains: 1 Dymo Omega embosser label maker (includes 1 x DYMO Omega embossed label tapes, 9mm x 3m, black), 1 set x 3 assorted embossed tapes (red, blue, black - compatible) - a total of 4 label rolls
  • Intuitive labeling system with a rotating disc containing letters, numbers and symbols and an easy-to-use operating handle. Made of durable ABS plastic
  • Attention! The machine does not always print aligned symbols. This gives the labels a vintage look!
  • The wheel contains 49 characters (letters, numbers and symbols)
  • “Half cutt tape” system to make it easier to peel off the adhesive protection paper
  • No batteries, toners, or ink cartridges are required
  • The packaging of embossed / embossed plastic labels is made of 65% recycled mixed materials and FSC certified
  • Images are for presentation purposes only

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PN: S0717930PP

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  • Description
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  • Reviews (30)

Dymo Omega labeling machine set composed as follows:

1 x DYMO Omega Home Embossing Label Maker
1 x Dymo Embossing Tape 9mm, black, (in the labeling machine)
1 x Embossing Tape 9mmx3mm compatible Omega, black

1 x Embossing Tape 9mmx3mm compatible Omega, red
1 x Embossing Tape 9mmx3mm compatible Omega, blue

DYMO Omega Home Embossing Label Maker comfortable, durable and easy to use. Ideal for people with hobbies and for those who prefer to work alone.

With its help you can label storage media, jars and containers for spices, personal belongings, key rings, etc.

Labels are easy to print and are easy to cut due to the much improved cutting function.

This embossing device is so easy to use that you will have fun with it!

Use the rotation mechanism and click on the drive handle to create embossed, attractive labels for almost anything that needs organization: such as notebooks or toy cabinet, garage workshop, CD cases, storage media (USB, memory card cases), even folders, files and bookshelves with important documents.

Warning! The machine does not print aligned symbols. This gives a vintage look to the labels!
Those who want to edit labels with neat writing can line up the printed symbols by watching the movie at the end of the description.

DYMO Omega labeling/embossing device is made of a solid, high quality plastic and can be used daily for any labeling application.

The tapes that are used with this device, stick very well, resisting on flat surfaces, for many years. Embossed characters are clearly printed.

Embossed labels are not recommended for labeling wires and cables!

  •     Embosses 49 characters, including special symbols;
  •     Ergonomic handle with soft grip;
  •     Easy loading of the roller with tape;
  •     Easy label cutting system that makes it easy to detach from the support;
  •     The text can be centered by using start/stop signs;
  •     Does not require batteries, cartridges, toners or ribbons!
  •     Warranty: 1 year

For excellent labeling results use only original Dymo labels!

Dymo Omega labeling machine
This printer model may not be able to meet all of the labeling challenges. That's why for advanced labeling solutions we recommend another professional labeling device from the Dymo Labelmanager range or a thermal printer from the Labelwriter range.

For excellent labeling results use only original Dymo labels!

Dymo Omega labeling machineDymo Omega labeling machineDymo Omega labeling machine

DYMO is committed to maximizing your efficiency while investing in environmental protection – one label – one time!

DYMO invests for a sustainable future:

DYMO has a dedicated team that analyzes government and country specific requirements for product compliance, safety and sustainability and we are actively involved in going beyond and beyond protecting our environment.

Dymo Omega labeling machine
FSC© certified for DYMO® LabelWriter™ paper and DYMO® LetraTag™ paper labels.

Dymo Omega labeling machine
27% lower energy consumption, during production since 2016.

Dymo Omega labeling machine
BPA free for LabelWriter™ labels.

Etichete originale Dymo
+40% of DYMO® labels are produced using „Water based solvents“.

Etichete originale DymoEtichete originale Dymo
ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified since 1998 to monitor quality management and impact of operations on the environment..

Etichete originale Dymo
100% recycled material used for external cassette.

Etichete originale Dymo
No Ink – No Toner = Less Waste!

Etichete originale Dymo
Rechargeable batteries for majority of DYMO machines!

Etichete originale Dymo
73% reduced use of fresh water during production between 2009 – 2019.

Etichete originale Dymo
All DYMO products are REACH and RoHS compliant.


Applications Dymo Omega labeling machine

Labels for jars

Do you want to arrange your jam and pickle jars in the pantry so that you can always find exactly what you are looking for? Label them! Apply a written label with a DYMO Omega manual labeling device on each jar with its contents and then place the jars in the pantry, in categories. You will not have started 2 jars with the same content!

Decorations Dymo Omega labeling machine

Have you ever thought that you can create decorative objects or accessories with a DYMO Omega labeling machine? Comfortable, durable and easy to use, DYMO Omega is a manual labeling device for people with hobbies and who prefer to make their own.

A hand-held labeling machine that helps you create the labels you need at home or in the office: CDs, jars and containers for kitchen spices, personal items, key rings, etc.

The printer is made of a high quality solid plastic and can be used daily for any labeling application.

Plastic strips stick very well resisting on flat surfaces for a long time, even if they are washed frequently.

The embossed characters are clearly imprinted and last a long time.

Labels for tools

Now complete your tool kit with a DYMO Omega manual label printer!

With the DYMO Omega labeling system, you make very resistant labels at a super advantageous price.

You don't need batteries!

Don't know what gift to give your child?
You can give her a labeling machine as a gift! He would be very happy to receive one!

  •     Label printing type: Embossing;
  •     Cutter type: Manual;
  •     Areas of activity: Domestic/Office;
  •     Applications: Domestic Labeling, Hobbies, Decorations;
  •     Label width: 9mm;
  •     Consumables used: 3D embossable tape;
  •     Symbol library: 49;
  •     Range: Embossable;
  •     Blster contents: DYMO Omega labeling machine, Dymo Embossing Tape 9mm, black, (in the labeling machine), Embossing Tape 9mmx3mm compatible Omega, black, Embossing Tape 9mmx3mm compatible Omega, red, Embossing Tape 9mmx3mm compatible Omega, blue
General video presentation:
Pansy alignment, Dymo Omega:
Informatii conformitate produs

Applications: Home Organization, General Identification, Hobby

PROMO Bundle: Yes

No printed labels / min: Nu

Print speed: Nu

Screen: No

Compatible operating systems: No

Functions: Nu

Library Symbols: Nu

Battery type / number: Nu

Text lines No: 1

Cutter Type: Manual

Fonts Type: Normal

Weight: 264 g

Warranty: 2 years

Color: Black, Red, Grey

Tape width: 9 mm

Maximum label width: 9 mm

Tape length: 3 m

Tape material: Plastic

Label type: Adhesive tape

Utilizare: Business, Home & office

Text Color/Support color: Albastru

Range: Dymo Emboss

Consumables Used: Omega Embossing Labels

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  • Payment can be made by OP, before delivery at our treasury accounts in the 24-30 days of the month.

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Tiganasu Iulian,

etichetele ies bine vizibile sper sa tina aparatul


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Laurențiu Guran,

Cât l-am primit și am făcut niște teste. În mare parte își face treaba. Totuși plasticul din care e confecționat și îmbinat nu pare prea cine știe ce. Dacă nu-i afectează în timp durabilitatea.... Sunt doar detalii estetice ce pot fi trecute cu vederea ușor. L-am achiziționat și la reducere deci n-am nimic de comentat. :)


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Laura Tompa,

Livrare prompta. personal super amabil. Produsul este Mi Nu Nat!!! Foarte multumita de el!


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Covei Claudia,

Aparatul corespunde asteptarilor, functioneaza perfect pe toate culorile benzilor.


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karina alice boanca,

Este un aparat simplu de utilizat . Livrat foarte rapid!


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Bogdan Diaconu,

Merge fix cum ne-am asteptat. Cadoul perfect pentru sotie


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Mihaela Cazacu,

Super multumita de produs!


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Mihaela Cazacu,

Super multumita de produs!


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Popescu Gheorghe,



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Teodora Diaconu,

Aparatul e ușor de folosit merge foarte bine, etichetele sunt foarte frumoase


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Claudia Necula,

Excelent! Scrisul se vede mai frumos decat imi imaginam!


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Marcela Marcu,

Foarte multumita de acest aparat, este exact cum m am așteptat! Etichetele au un aer vintage și sunt foarte ușor de realizat. Recomand!


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Ioana J,

Livrare rapida, produs foarte bun, practic și ușor de folosit! Recomand!


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Aparatul se folosește foarte ușor, iar banda se schimba fără probleme. Uneori se blochează sau nu imprima foarte bine de la bucățile mici de etichete rezultate în urma tăierii, dar se scot ușor din aparat. In plus, am comunicat foarte bine cu reprezentanții firmei.


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1 persoana a considerat acest review util!

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Garbis Haciadurian,

Foarte drăguț, i eticheta altfel.


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Claudia Bic,

Un aparat util, scrisul arata bine. Foarte mulțumită. Recomand.


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gabriel nita,

super produsul


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Etichetele arata foarte bine! Produsul merita banii.


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Alina Talaba,

Foarte util si usor de folosit. Da un aspect frumos borcanelor de condimente din bucatarie


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Un produs foarte util, de buna calitate, la un pret decent si livrare sub 48 de ore. Recomand.


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Vasile Coti,

Functioneaza impecabil la un pret foarte acceptabil, livrare foarte rapida.


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Cristina Andras,

Un produs practic și de calitate


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Raport preț calitate f. Ușor de utilizat.


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Nicoleta Sofian,

Aparat foarte practic și ușor de folosit.


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Pentru ce am
eu nevoie, aparatul cumparat este perfect. Adezivul etichetelor, nu prea tine daca nu se curata suprafata inainte de lipire.


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Nikola Constantin,

Un produs deosebit, cu ajutorul lui am dat o nota"shabby chic" bucatariei mele, o schimbare mult apreciata de iubita mea si mai ales ca acum nu mai incurc cafeaua fara cofeina cu cea care contine cofeina :))))


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F bun!
Livrare rapida in mai putin 24h (in Buc) Merci!


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Gabriel Marcutiu-Racz,

Litera "R" din aparat nu este aliniata cu restul literelor. daca se printeaza un label care contine litera "R" iese nealiniat. Este un defect care trebuia sa fie sesizat in fabrica in zona de productie.


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Initial am comandat doar un Omega. M-au sunat de la firma si mi-am spus de promotie. Varianta lor a fost mult mai avantajoasa. Multumesc!


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2 persoane au considerat acest review util!


Excelent! Foarte util pentru casa, birou, proiecte hand made, etc. Este usor,
rapid de folosit si il utilizam cu drag in multe proiecte creative, atat eu, cat si juniorul familiei (peste 12 ani). Multumim si pentru promptitudinea livrarii!


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