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Letratag Label Printers

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Consumables Used: Etichete Aimo P12 compatibile Letratag ×
Small, elegant and super portable, LetraTag printers are ideal labeling machines for your home. I print on a variety of colored labels, plus it adds popular features like many font styles, highlighting, bold, text size and more. The graphic display allows you to see the effects of the font on the screen, so you know exactly what you are printing each time. Eliminate the guess work using labeling machines from the Letratag range.

1. How to make room orders with Dymo Letratag

Have you ever put jar labels? Did you happen to want the cherry cake (for pancakes - my favorite) and drop the jar with the cherry candy? You wanted spicy ketchup and got the sweet one for the kids? What are you doing now with 2 unopened jars?

Canned jar labels for winter
Before winter comes, all the households want to prepare jars with pickles as diverse as possible and then put them in the room. If you want to arrange your jars with pickles so that you always find exactly what you are looking for, you must label them. Apply labels on each jar with its contents and then place the jars on categories.

Labels of spices and teas
You have many types of spices, but every time you need a certain type of spice, is it difficult to differentiate between them? Put each type of spice in a transparent jar and apply labels on each jar with the name of the spice. Are you on a diet and need to make different teas? How do you easily recognize them all? Use Dymo Letratag and plastic or paper labels.
Letratag plastic labels remain on the containers even after they have been stored in the freezer, heated in the microwave oven and washed several times in the dishwasher! Dymo makes white or colored plastic labels that are very durable over time. You put them in the food containers and you can wash them in the dishwasher, without worrying that they will break off, disappear or crumble.
Use a labeling machine for several organizing projects at home or in the office. You can put labels on more things than you might think.
There are several types of strips available (plastic, paper, metallic, Iron-On - for application with iron) in a wide range of colors: white, red, yellow, blue, green and even transparent.

2. Ordering cables and power supplies, labeling sockets

Have you ever been able to unplug the wrong plug and turn off the TV while watching your favorite match or worse, turn off the computer of the office colleague who had not saved the document he was working on? Easily get rid of these problems by labeling the cables and power supplies of the devices you use. Letratag labels from Dymo solve these situations QUICKLY!

“According to art. 39 (9.f) of the Law on Safety and Health at Work (Law 319/2006), constitutes a contravention and is sanctioned with a fine from 5,000 lei to 10,000 lei for failing to comply with the safety and health regulations in the work regarding the prevention of accidents by electrocution during the execution, operation, maintenance and repair of electrical installations and equipment, as well as for preventing the effects of static electricity and atmospheric discharges. "

The new PRAM regulations oblige us to have labeled sockets with labels specifying the value of the working voltage. The power supply voltage of the sockets is of maximum 230V (as specified in the electricity supply contract). You can go to a specialized market to buy your ready-made labels or you can make them yourself. Dymo Letratag and white labels, transparent or colored, help you, depending on the color of the faces of the sockets, switches!

3. Resistant labels in the dishwasher or microwave oven

Letratag plastic labels - they remain in containers even after they have been stored in the freezer or heated in the microwave oven.
Resist multiple washes in the dishwasher!

4. Labels for children's clothes

Have you ever put labels on clothes? How many times have you found the little ones arguing over clothes in front of the closet? Did a colleague come from kindergarten or school with another coat? Did they ever forget them at school? How did you get them back?
Now it is simple to make sure that the children's clothes or their backpacks arrive at noon at home and not in another house. Just print a Letratag Iron-On label with a Letratag labeling machine, unzip it and then iron on your clothes, bathing suits, towels, sports equipment or any other type of clothing.
Letratag Iron-On tape is printed by heat transfer from the Letratag labeling machine.
You do not need ink cartridges, toners or ink cartridges that are the main source of dirt. The band comes in the box with a ribbon. Both the writing and the label adhesive resist several washes.

In order to achieve a resistant labeling on textiles we propose you to follow the following steps:
set the iron on dry mode (without steam!), at a temperature between 130 - 170 degrees;
print a label for children's clothing;
detach the ribbon from the label - you will see the printed text;
place the label on the children's clothes, where you want to stay; I suggest you apply it near the manufacturer's label, because they really know where to put their labels or on the additional labels with descriptions of the material from which the fabrics are made;
put the iron over the label and press for 10-15 seconds, without moving the iron;
let the label cool for a few seconds, then repeat the operation two more times;
After cooling, check that the label has been fully bonded.
You just put the first label on children's clothes! Congratulations!
Bonus - for materials more sensitive to high temperatures use a thin piece of cotton material that you apply over the label, only then press with the iron.

5. Organize the fridge and freezer!

How many times have you found in the refrigerator combination meat bags without labels and wondered what kind of meat is or when it is there? Organize your fridge and freezer with a Dymo household labeling machine!

Take care of your health and your family!

Most of us do not get used to giving too much importance to the way we store food in the refrigerator. The lack of time makes us throw everything at random without taking into account a certain order, and this often gives us unpleasant surprises.
In order to avoid the disorder from the cooler and to prevent a possible illness from the consumption of expired foods, take a labeling device for household use.
It is easy to use and the labels written with this device can keep you from much trouble!
Here are some solutions for how the fridge is organized:
Sort food by categories: cooked food, vegetables and fruits, liquid containers, sausages and cheeses, etc;
Arrange the food as follows:
on the top shelves put cooked food, liquids and ready-to-eat foods (sausages, cheeses, etc.);
at the bottom shelves, place the food to be cooked, taking care to separate the raw meat from the rest of the food (use a plastic container for storage);
put in the freezer, in separate drawers, the raw meat and vegetables to be cooked later;
It is preferable to label each shelf in the refrigerator to keep orderly and not to mix food but especially to remind you to always respect the organization.

Dymo labels withstand very low temperatures. We suggest that the labels for the bags that will arrive in the freezer, put them all with the adhesive protection. You save time and there is no need to stick them to your bag. You better put them in the bag, so you can read them when looking for something in the freezer box.

Do you want pork chop? You will know exactly which is the bag with smoked ribs! Good appetite!

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